В Киеве состоялась конференция рабочей группы по созданию общеевропейской пиратской партии

В воскресенье завершилась киевская конференция Европейской пиратской партии (PP-EU). В течении двух дней мы работали над манифестом будущей объединённой Пиратской партии Европы. В рабочую группу вошли Грегори Энгельс (PP-DE), Альвизе Готьери (PP-IT), Мартина Пёзер (PP-DE), Алексей Игначук (PP-UA), Анук Нитесон (PP-FR), Александр Шписс (PP-DE), Андерс Клепе (PP-NO), Себастиан Кроне (PP-DE).

Работу над документом в Киеве возглавили гости из Германии – соглава Пиратского интернационала Грегори Энгельс и депутат берлинского ландтага Александр Шписс. Следует отметить, что несмотря на качели в отношениях нашей страны с Европой, интенсивно раскачиваемые старой гвардией политической сцены, пираты не видят препятствий для получения Украиной статуса полноценного члена в PP-EU. Всех нас объединяют общие ценности и никакие территориальные или языковые барьеры не могут стать серьёзным препятствием. Лучшим примером служит сама конференция – находясь за сотни километров друг от друга, участники рабочей группы спокойно обсуждали вносимые предложения и согласовывали окончательные версии разделов манифеста. В результате общих трудов был создан следующий текст, затрагивающий все основные темы пиратского движения:


* Citizen participation

The European Pirate Party strives to increase and promote every individual’s opportunities for democratic participation. Only democracy will enable a fair and equitable coexistence and the balancing of individual interests within a state union. 

Human dignity is inviolable. Everybody has a right to life, liberty and security of person, to freedom of thought and self determination, and to participate in society. Sovereignty resides in the people. Citizens have the right to decide in all matters that affect their own lives.

* Civil Rights

We value the highest standard for civil rights in the European Union. Essential are the rights of free association and free assembly in public, the freedom of opinion and expression and free access to information. Whistleblowers should be protected by law and not subject to legal action.

We strongly believe, that all people should be treated equal. As everybody belongs to a minority, the respect of the rights of the minority is essential for society. 

The Privacy of the individual should be valued at all times and protected from being exploited by public and economic actors. Everybody should have unencumbered access to the internet and other public information and communication networks and have the possibility to protect all data transfer with good privacy. 

* Transparency

Transparency and Accountability for public institutions are the counterpart of good data protection regulation to protect Privacy. We want a clear transparency in common affairs and good privacy for individuals.

Open Government

Public authorities are required to regularly publish organizational and task descriptions, including catalogues of all administrative records.

Everybody has the right to access documents and proceedings on all levels of government and to the information available to the respective public authorities. This right may be limited only for the protection of personal rights, national security, crime prevention and similar concerns. This assessment needs to be reevaluated on a regular basis.

Open public contracts

Contracts between public and private sector must be made public to allow for public oversight.

In justified cases, i.e. in case of danger for life and limb, limited exceptions can be defined, for which certain information included in contracts can be kept secret.

All existing contracts must be made accessible to the public.

Public procurement or selling must be transparent and open. At the end of a tender process all bids must be published, as well as the reasons for the selection of the winning bid.

* Open Access and Open Data

All data created for public use or with the use of public money, regardless of origin, should be freely available to the general public in an appropriate form which shall also include a form for data processing. Access must not be limited by application procedures, licenses, fees or technical means.The use of open formats, free and open source licenses should be forced at all levels of society.

* Free software

We support the promotion of software that can be used, analyzed, disseminated and changed by everyone, without restrictions. This so-called free and libre open source  software guarantees users the basic freedom necessary to take control of their own technical systems and provides a significant contribution to strengthening the autonomy  and privacy of all users.

* Libre Culture

We see it as our responsibility to promote creative production, especially with regard to cultural diversity. We believe it is key to strengthen the free culture so that it is a resource for education (in the broad sense) and for creation.

* Copyright reform

We want a fair and balanced copyright law. Copyright should give authors the first chance to get a reward from their work, however that needs to be balanced with the rights of society as a whole. 

We therefore demand that copying, providing access to, storing and using creative products for non-commercial purposes must not just be legalized, but actively promoted to improve the public availability of information, knowledge and culture, because this is a prerequisite for the social, technological and economic development of our society. Everyone shall be able to enjoy and share our cultural heritage free from the threat of legal action or censorship.

Copyright is a limited commercial monopoly and we intend to sharply shorten the term such a monopoly is granted for. Derivative works shall always be permitted with exceptions which are very specifically enumerated in law with minimal room for interpretation.

Technical measures that prevent consumers from using culture in ways permitted by law have to be outlawed.

* Patent system reform

Patents are government-backed monopolies which are obstacles in a free market and increasingly hinder instead of help innovation. Granting of limited monopoly rights should only be allowed for cases where there is a benefit in the general interest. Patents should definitely never be given for things that are trivial, non substantial, targeting living organisms, ideas, computer programs, business models or are unethical otherwise.

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